

Five myths about gene editing

CRISPR’s breakthrough made headlines. But are we ready to engineer designer babies? Gene editing made great strides this month when scientists reported success using a technique called CRISPR — Clustered Regularly Interspaced ...

The Upside of Bad Genes

There’s a well-to-do couple thinking about having children. They order a battery of genetic tests to ensure that there’s nothing untoward lurking in their genomes. And they discover that ...

Evolution, Accelerated

A breakthrough in genetic technology has given humans more power than ever to change nature. It could help eliminate hunger and disease; it could also lead to the sort ...

The Road To CRISPR

These days, if there’s a conversation about gene editing, it often centers on the CRISPR technique. CRISPR allows researchers to quickly edit DNA more easily than any tool in ...

Want to Change Your DNA?

Biochemist Jennifer Doudna discusses cutting-edge DNA technology that enables the editing of the human genome. It also adds to a growing list of current ethical issues faced by researchers. Growing ...

Politico50: Jennifer Doudna

Two years ago, Jennifer Doudna, a Berkeley biochemist, won a $3 million prize for her role in discovering a breakthrough way to use the gene-editing tool CRISPR to alter ...

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