

On GPS: Re-writing the code of life

2020 Chemistry Nobel laureate Jennifer Doudna joins Fareed for a primer on CRISPR, a technology that allows for precise gene editing.   https://twitter.com/FareedZakaria/status/1333130472902234112 Focus CRISPR Client UC Berkeley / IGI WATCH THE ...

Radio 4: Biohacking

What would biohacking, entrepreneurship and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing mean for an unregulated IVF industry? Using CRISPR to gene edit human embryos has already been done for research, but so far ...

Explained – Designer DNA

Episode two of Vox’s Netflix show Explained tackles designer DNA. Scientific feat or terrifying social experiment? Specialists in the field discuss the high stakes and ethical controversies of gene editing.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM0krSvAQuw   Focus CRISPR Client UC Berkeley WATCH ...

Evolution, Accelerated

A breakthrough in genetic technology has given humans more power than ever to change nature. It could help eliminate hunger and disease; it could also lead to the sort ...

The Road To CRISPR

These days, if there’s a conversation about gene editing, it often centers on the CRISPR technique. CRISPR allows researchers to quickly edit DNA more easily than any tool in ...

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