

Reshaping Evolution

New innovations in gene and stem cell technology have the power to shape ecosystems and even change humanity. In this episode of NPR's TED Radio Hour hour, Jennifer Doudna ...

Gene-editing pipeline takes off

Clinical trials of genome-editing agents — including CRISPR–Cas9 editors, zinc finger nucleases and TALENs — are pushing ex vivo, immuno-oncology and in vivo treatment frontiers.   Focus CRISPR Client UC Berkeley READ THE ...

Coronavirus: a world transformed

Paul Laudicina at Kearney’s Global Business Policy Council interviews CRISPR pioneer Dr. Jennifer Doudna who is doing new work to understand and slow the spread of COVID-19. They discuss the ...

How the coronavirus will transform science

From the moment the world heard about a novel coronavirus, known now as SARS-CoV-2, causing widespread respiratory illnesses in China, scientists leapt into action. Academic, government, and industry labs mobilized ...

U.C. Berkeley Opens COVID-19 Testing Lab

Jennifer Doudna, biochemist at University of California at Berkeley and CRISPR co-inventor, discusses the partnership between the Innovative Genomic Institute and the university to run rapid response testing during ...

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