Hero image of Thermal's content marketing services for healthtech companies


We develop and distribute content that increases awareness and interest in breakthrough solutions to key health and science challenges.

A/B testing

Adaptive content

Bylined articles

Content calendars


Email marketing

Landing pages

Native advertising

Scientific posters


Article & blog content

Digital ad content

Social media content

Micro content

Marketing automation

Education materials




Opinion editorials

Bio, health technology, and sustainability audiences need insightful content that accurately frames why they should engage with new scientific and medical approaches.

We help brands and their executives develop a voice and craft stories that redefine what is possible. We then address the needs of audiences by developing custom content programs that educate and drive brand loyalty and marketing-influenced revenue.

Audiences are saturated with weak, lowest common denominator content and generic health and wellness perspectives. Share stories that elevate expectations.

Using frameworks like our seven-step Roadmap below, we deliver the ideal mix of expert and brand content at the right time in the customer journey, engagement, buying, or belief cycle.


We analyze results and iterate to continually position brands as valuable resources that help educate and spur positive action.

To discuss a content project, please contact us.


integrated content campaigns


lead generation campaigns


avg. engagement increase

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